

日期: 2022-10-24 作者: 点击数:158
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    Algirdo str. 31 03219 Vilnius Lithuania

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  • 机构简介:

    立陶宛标准委员会(Lithuanian Standards Board,LST),按照立陶宛共和国政府1990年4月25日No. 125决议成立。LST是国家财务预算公共行政职能机构,作为国家标准实体(National Standards Body ,NSB))制定并执行立陶宛政府在标准化领域的政策,代表立陶宛的经济利益参与欧洲和国际标准化组织的活动。 LST制定并改进国家标准化体制,为制定立陶宛标准和其它出版物,以及协调并采用国际、欧洲和外国标准,从而建立技术委员会。截至2014年,LST共有86个技术委员会: LST TK 1 Electronics(电子学) LST TK 2 Milk and milk products(乳和乳制品) LST TK 3 Meat and meat products(肉和肉制品) LST TK 4 Information technology(信息技术) LST TK 5 Electrical engineering(电气工程) LST TK 6 Fruit and vegetables products(水果蔬菜产品) LST TK 7 Coatings(涂料) LST TK 8 Electromagnetic compatibility(电磁兼容性) LST TK 9 Furniture(家具) LST TK 11 Fermentation products(发酵产品) LST TK 12 Motor – roads(发动机-道路) LST TK 13 Agricultural engineering(农业工程) LST TK 14 Designing system(设计系统) LST TK 15 Cereals, cereal products, bread and animal feeding stuffs(谷类,粮食制品,面包和动物饲料) LST TK 16 Chemical analysis(化学分析) LST TK 17 Woods(木材) LST TK 18 Telecommunications(通讯) LST TK 19 Concrete and reinforced concrete(混凝土和钢筋混凝土) LST TK 20 Toys, child use articles, sports and other recreational equipment(玩具,儿童使用物品,运动和其它娱乐设备) LST TK 21 Textiles(纺织品) LST TK 22 Fire safety(消防安全) LST TK 23 Ceramic tiles, masonry and natural stones(瓷砖,石工和天然石) LST TK 24 Quality management and quality assurance(质量管理和质量保证) LST TK 25 Matrix, gypsum and gypsum based products(矩阵,石膏和基于石膏的产品) LST TK 26 Thermal insulation materials(隔热材料) LST TK 28 Gas systems(气体系统) LST TK 29 Water supply(供水) LST TK 30 Technical product documentation(技术产品文档) LST TK 31 Acoustics(声学) LST TK 32 Health(保健) LST TK 33 Fishery(渔业) LST TK 34 Metrology(计量学) LST TK 35 Labour protection(劳动保护) LST TK 36 Environmental protection(环境保护) LST TK 37 Terminology (dormant)(术语)(该委员会现在不活跃) LST TK 38 Building constructions(建筑施工) LST TK 39 Protection(防护) LST TK 40 Petroleum and petroleum products(石油和石油产品) LST TK 41 Welding and metallic materials(焊接和金属材料) LST TK 42 Packaging(包装) LST TK 43 Railway traffic(铁路运输) LST TK 44 Oilseeds, vegetable and animal fats and oils and their byproducts(油料种子,植物和动物脂肪与油脂及其副产品) LST TK 45 Electric power(电力) LST TK 46 Roofs and building waterproof isolation LST TK 47 Information and documentation LST TK 48 Jewellery(珠宝) LST TK 49 Foundry(铸造业) LST TK 50 Heating and Ventilation Systems(加热和通风系统) LST TK 51 Food analysis- Horizontal methods(食品分析-水平法) LST TK 52 Ophthalmic optics and lasers(眼科光学和激光) LST TK 53 Footwear and leather(鞋类和皮革制品) LST TK 54 Assistive products for persons with disability(残疾人辅助产品) LST TK 55 Banking and related financial services(银行和相关金融服务) LST TK 56 Equipment for petroleum industry(石油工业设备) LST TK 57 Fertilizers(肥料) LST TK 58 Refractory products and materials(耐火制品和材料) LST TK 59 Geotechnics(土工技术) LST TK 60 Windows and doors(门窗) LST TK 61 Plastic piping systems(塑料管道系统) LST TK 62 Adhesives(粘合剂) LST TK 63 Gas cyli

  • 标准简介:


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